It's Wednesday and time to link up with Jamie for this week's "What I'm Loving Wednesday".
I'm LOVING that these guys got a gold medal in the Olympics! I'm so proud of our Thunder and that three of them were chosen to represent our country. So, so proud!
I'm LOVING these 100 calorie ice cream sandwiches! I just ran across them one day earlier in the summer as I was drooling in the freezer section at Wal-Mart. I was so tempted to get the snickers ice cream when I saw these. They are really good! Kinda small in size, but if you eat 2-3 of them then you feel like you've eaten a regular size one! OK, so I've not eaten more than one at a time, but I was really considering it!
I'm LOVING that I found Hershey on two different days in this same funny pose. He just cracks me up by the way he sits and lays around the house. I think that he thinks he is part human.
I'm LOVING that Oreo and Abby are such good friends. Hershey STILL hasn't totally accepted her in the family but Oreo loves her! They call each other and play all the time. Hershey would NEVER share his space with her like this.
I'm LOVING that our little church is such a giving church. We recently collected all of these groceries for one of the children's homes that we support. There was just about this same amount on the opposite wall too!
I"m LOVING this beautiful sky I happened to capture a few weeks ago! It is gorgeous!
I'm LOVING that Lee Ann is working hard on our new mural for the church baptistry! It's really coming along quickly and is going to be pretty.
And finally, I'm still LOVING wildflowers! I don't know what kind these are but I think they're so pretty and the pasture is just covered in them.
This is what I'm loving this Wednesday. What are you loving?
Brianna is Fifteen Years Old!
1 day ago