Happy Friday! Today's post is just a bunch of randomness that has happened this week.
Last Sunday night, the college students from SOSU Bible Chair came to conduct our evening worship service. Our congregation has been a supporter for years, maybe even from the beginning. We heard a great lesson and then enjoyed a finger food fellowship with them afterwards.
One of the girls from our congregation is in college there now so it was good to see her. Apparently, this is what her parents are paying for her to learn while she is there.
You know it's spring when the redbud trees start blooming! What a beautiful sight!
You also know it's spring when the weeds begin to take over your yard! The yard itself doesn't really need mowing yet, so I got after the pesky weeds with my weedeater.
It didn't take long to get my allergies all in a tizzy either!
After Ladies Bible Class on Wednesday, a few of us went to the bakery to eat. As I was paying, the chocolate chip cookies were calling my name, rather loudly, I'll admit. So, I bought a couple to take home.
Anddddd...I didn't quite make it home with them. So, so delish!
Wednesday night,, as we were pulling up to church I got a phone call that I ALMOST ignored since I didn't recognize the number. Boy, am I ever glad I answered! My precious friend/cousin/oneofthebestcookseverintheworld called to say she was bringing me a pie!
Several days before she had posted the recipe on her fb page and I left a comment asking if it was offered on her "Dessert of the Month" list. See, back about 20 years ago, I babysat her kids and one year for Christmas she gave me a coupon for a dessert each month! I could choose whatever I wanted and just had to tell her a few days before I wanted it and she delivered! That was the most amazing gift! Debbie is one of the best cooks ever! She really should have a restaurant as her line of work.
There is one piece each for Allan and me left and I'm sure it will be gone before the day is over!
Wednesday night, my darling little "B" came rushing in church with a huge smile on her face and holding something behind her back. She said, "I brought something to show you." Then, she held out a zip-lock bag with 'something' in it.
I took it from her and asked what it was. She proudly said, "A dead jaybird head!" I thought I was going to die right there in the church hallway! She told me the story of how she saw her dog out in the yard, prancing around with this bird head hanging out of his mouth. She just had to have it! Her G-Ma said she insisted on bringing it to church to 'show Cheryl'. I'm so glad she did...I think. You never know what is going to make an impression on a child and this definitely made one on her! She proudly showed everybody at church. It was too, too funny!
And finally...yesterday Abby was laying on my legs while I was sitting at the computer. She reached up to 'high five' me several times. So adorable!
I hope y'all have a great weekend and a fun Easter!
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