Thursday, March 14, 2013

Just Stuff

What a beautiful day we're having here in SE Oklahoma!  Today's post is just a few random things that have happened lately.
I've talked several times about how our church is such a giving group of people.  We support two children's homes with a weekly grocery item that we collect.  Yesterday the truck from one of the homes came by to pick up our pantry items.
We had a TON of items collected for them.  There is nearly as much stuff on the other side of the room for the other children's home too. 

I just love my kids in Bible Class!  They are just so funny and I keep saying I need to write a book about all the funny happenings in Bible Class.
A few weeks ago, we were studying about the blind man that Jesus put mud on his eyes to heal him.  Little Miss B just couldn't wrap her head around that one.  She kept saying, "I can't hardly believe that."  I hope I convinced her it was true!

We have a couple of new cats that have taken up residence here.  They used to live up the road and when the family moved, the cats kept coming back HOME.  The girl would come load them up and take them to the new house.  In a day or so, here they'd be back so she gave up and now they live here.
They sure love each other!  
We are STILL working on our new home.  It's coming along but it seems like we'll never get finished with it.  We've been hanging sheetrock for weeks and weeks now.
I'll be glad when this part is over!  We do see the end in sight.

A few days ago, I went out in our backyard and noticed this across the fence.
The neighbor's dog was just lounging around in the sun on top of the trampoline.  It made me laugh the way he's looking at me as if he's been caught!

One of Allan's TKD students earned his first degree black belt a few weeks ago.  Everyone is so proud of him!

And, lastly, we have new neighbors next door and they have the cutest kitty that loves to come pose for pics for me.
Just look at that sweet face!

Have a great Thursday people!

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