Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm really struggling to find something to love this week since I am on Day 3 of this horrible headache/migraine.
. This is pretty much how I feel but I'm hoping to feel better TODAY!  I am going to look far and wide to find something positive to focus on though!
I'm loving all the beautiful blooming flowers! 
These roses are in my yard and they are so pretty.
I took this pic in my brother's yard over the weekend when we were there for the birthday party.  These roses are such a gorgeous color!
I'm loving this new Special K cereal!  
I'm REALLY REALLY loving that Ashley went to meet THE PIONEER WOMAN yesterday.  Even though I am so jealous and green with envy, I am still loving that Ashley got to meet our hero!  

Check out Jamie's blog to see what everyone else is loving this Wednesday!


  1. Cheryl,
    I hope you feel better. that Barbie pic cracks me up!

  2. What awesome things you are loving today! Hope you had a great Wednesday! Hope you feel better!
