Our hosts for the night were Clark & Samantha. They've graciously hosted this party for the last several years and we always have such a great time. Clark spent the evening keeping us supplied with hot dogs on his homemade grill.
Samantha always does such a good job of planning everything each year. I appreciate them so much! She was an adorable Piggy!
I didn't get great pics of the kids because it was hard to get them to be still long enough, but Spiderman will always stop and give me his sweet smile!
"O" was a butterfly, "H" was a dragon before he shed the top part of his costume, "P" was Spiderman, and "N" was Cleopatra.
Samantha, her sisters and her mom were the 3 Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf! I just loved their costume idea.
Tonee was a 50's girl and Shirley was a train engineer along with her teddy bear, the conductor.
Allan & I, in our very creative regular clothes costume. I felt like such a party-pooper!
These two were battling it out to see who was the fiercest one of all! I'm not sure who won.
There was pumpkin carving and everyone's turned out so good!
We had marshmallow roasting with the biggest marshmallows I've ever seen! I didn't know they made them this big. Shirley was first to test them out.
The night ended with a hayride, which is always so much fun! There are always some scary happenings along they way so the kids
We had a wonderful time! Lots of good food, fun and fellowship! I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!
It looks like a great time!