Last weekend was such a fun weekend! My weekend actually started on Thursday when I left to go visit the kids. The drive up Indian Nation Turnpike was just gorgeous! It was just me by myself, enjoying the scenery and singing loudly with the soundtrack to "Mama Mia". I was so hoarse when I got there that I could hardly talk!
Both of the kids were at work when I got there so I went by Ashley's new store to check things out first. She recently started a new job as store manager of The Vintage Pearl and this weekend was the grand opening. After visiting for a bit, I went on to the kids apartment to wait for them to get off of work. Colby got home and we picked up Ashley for supper at Louie's. I didn't get to visit much with Colby because he was leaving early Friday morning to go to Dallas with the church group.
He and his co-workers recently went to a place in the mall there and took a mini-art lesson. This is his masterpiece!
I love it! He gave it to me and I'm so happy!
Friday, Ashley and I shopped a bit and she got her hair cut. Then, we went to her store to do some clean up and arranging.
Saturday was GRAND OPENING!
It was so exciting! They had cupcakes too!
I actually made it all they way home with this deliciousness staring at me from the cup holder...and didn't take one bite of it til I got home. Pinkitzel is the cutest little cupcake/candy shop there near The Vintage Pearl. How convenient will that be for Ashley and the girls?
After I got home Saturday night, Allan & I went out to Mom and Dad's for supper. My brother, Doug, and his family had come for the afternoon. My sister-in-law, Stacey, made the best venison for supper...oh my goodness! It was great!
This is Mom's bulldog, Freckles. She is a mess!
After supper, we came home and I worked on my Sunday School lesson and made up my Easter goodie bags for my little ones.
B & P in Bible Class. They always want to take pictures by the yellow wall. They were so excited about hunting Easter eggs!
My favorite little girls! L didn't make it in time for Bible Class but I had to get a picture with her.
Little girls dressed up for Easter are just the cutest things! Of course, these three look adorable every Sunday!
I've known this sweet girl since Jr. High. We roomed together for a while in college and she likes to tell this silly story about me talking in my sleep all the time. I don't believe a word of it!
We went to Molina's after church with Mom and Dad, as usual.
This is a future Molina's waitress...well she does a fine job now at 5 years old. I love her! She is learning the family business and is just too cute when she is waiting on customers. When we tip her, she runs straight to the gumball machines! So cute!
I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!